Sunday, February 6, 2011

ebook: The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men

This book was created in response to a need. A few years ago, when I was an advisor to undergraduates, I noticed that my friends and advisees were in a particular quandary. Even though they were young, good-looking, intelligent, talented, funny guys at one of the best universities in the world, their dating lives were terrible. Some of these guys spent months, even years going without a date or romantic prospect in sight. Even when they got the date, they didn’t know how to make it progress to the next level. And they were surrounded by young, single, beautiful, intelligent women who went to class with them every day, ate meals with them every day, lived literally right next door to them. And these women wanted to date them. So why wasn’t anything happening? The truth of the matter was simple. While these men had extensive training in how to do well at school, they hadn’t had any in how to deal with women. Even a task as simple as driving can’t be done well without some instruction, let alone the immensely complex task of navigating human relations.

Download: Benzer - The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men.pdf/